Saturday, November 22, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up!

We had a wonderful, full week at school!

The children were hard at work reviewing and preparing for their Unit 4 math test. We practiced making ballpark estimates, making change, and the partial sums algorithm before the children took their assessment on Thursday. After reviewing the assessments upon completion, I was so pleased to see how well the children were able to demonstrate their understanding of these concepts!

We read a passage about the first Thanksgiving this week. After reading, the children worked to locate answers to a series of questions in the text and then highlighted them. Then they transferred these answers to the questions in writing, using words from the question in the answer. They did a great job!

We focused a bit on our handwriting as well. The children were reminded of good posture while sitting in their chairs (No flamingos allowed! Both feet need to be on the floor :) We reviewed the letters o, a, and d to ensure that the children are forming those letters beginning in the middle at the center line. The a and the d are made "around, up, and down" as opposed to the circles and sticks that they may have learned back in kindergarten. Forming these letters properly is so important as we begin the transition to cursive after the new year. The children were encouraged to make their tall letters taller than the rest, and to put appropriate spacing between their words. The handwriting fairy popped in to visit some exceptionally neat work! :)

The children and I practiced writing a series of steps in a sequence using the transitional words first, next, then, last. The children then wrote their very own recipes for how to cook a Turkey! They considered the food, seasonings, and other materials that were necessary in the process. They also decided how hot the oven should be and how long the turkey should cook. (Some children suggested fun family activities to pass the time while cooking- including board games!) We have some creative thinkers in our class this year!

Social Studies
Our study on citizenship continues! We are so excited to see the children's US landmark projects when they return from Thanksgiving break! Once everyone has presented their projects, the children will have an "open house" with a 1st grade class to share their learning and what the project that they created. It will be so much fun to watch the children take charge of their learning! This week we reviewed the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance, we learned about the history of our national anthem "The Star Spangled Banner," and after watching a few renditions of this patriotic song online by Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift at the start of past Super Bowls and World Series games, we created star-spangled windsocks to decorate our classroom! We will be wrapping up this unit and will move into a mini unit about holidays around the world!

It was a terrific week at school, and so much was accomplished. The children are adjusting nicely to new captain of the 2-2 ship :) as well as the expectations that go along with her! Mrs. Schmidt and I are looking forward to meeting with all of you next week to discuss your child's learning and progress at Parent/Teacher conferences!

Coming up:
Monday, November 24 and Tuesday November 25: Parent Teacher Conferences
Monday, December 1: US landmark projects are due, presentations will take place that week
Friday, December 5: Our 1st Star Student presentations begin with Mia!

I wish everyone a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends!

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