Sunday, June 16, 2013

Our last day!

What a terrific year we had together! I hope you are already having so much fun this summer! Just a few things I would like for you to remember....
1) YES you worked hard this year! Way to go! But do NOT forget to work on your summer packet here and there to keep your brain from getting mushy!
2) Books are fun! Read, and read often! You are ready to read Charlotte's Web on your own now! Maybe you'd like to start your own little summer reading club with your old classmates?!
3) You can still practice your math facts at and comment on your kidblog. I'd love to hear how your summer is going!
4) Know that you are an AMAZING GROUP OF KIDS and I am so proud of all of your hard work this year! Come back and visit! I miss you guys already!

Have a wonderful summer!!

The 2nd graders took a 3rd grade tour!

 And then it was the 2nd graders turn to visit the 3rd graders! They were so eager to visit Miss Brignola's class and take a look around. They were armed with some excellent questions, too! They inquired about the differences between 2nd and 3rd grade, fun field trips, units of study, homework, and more! The only rule: they weren't allowed to ask yes/no questions! I had a bundle of excited 2nd graders who couldn't wait to get to 3rd grade after this visit! Thank you, 3rd graders! :)

The 1st graders came for a 2nd grade tour!

The 1st graders in Mrs. Glaser and Mrs. Coyle's class stopped in for a visit during our last few days of school! The 2nd graders enjoyed showing them around the classroom and explaining how things work! The 1st graders came in with a list of questions, and then the 2nd graders filled in any missing details they could think of. What a great way for the 1st graders to begin their transition to the next grade!

TONS of Field Day fun!

BOY did we get lucky to have a rain-free field day! The kids had an absolute blast! Thank you to all of the parent volunteers! I couldn't believe the number of parents from our class that helped out on field day whether it be planning the event, running the games, or leading the class! The kids and I loved spending this afternoon of fun with you! Thank- you!