Saturday, May 4, 2013

Time to make the donuts!

Our Junior Achievement lesson this week surrounded the concepts of unit production vs. assembly line production. The children learned firsthand about these different ways of developing a product. The class was divided into two halves. The first half of the class participated in UNIT production.
 Individually, the children needed to "make" an entire donut, one at a time. They had to add all of the ingredients carefully (food stickers), frost the donut (color it) and place it in a tray. An inspector reviewed the final donuts after a 2 minute time period, and tossed out any that were not fit to sell.
 The second half of the class participated in ASSEMBLY line production. Each person was responsible for one portion of the task, and then passed the donut along. Again the inspector evaluated the final products.

This lesson was a great opportunity to think about which businesses use these types of production, and why one way might work better than another.

We also discussed how important TEAMWORK is and how it is so important- especially in assembly line production- for everyone to work together and do their part well, because others are counting on you!

The children had so much fun with Junior Achievement on Friday!

Of course, everyone was a winner - Ms. Younan brought all of the kids some munchkins to conclude their learning of unit vs. assembly line production. Thank you Ms. Younan!

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