Saturday, April 6, 2013

Leilani is a STAR!

We celebrated Leilani's super-star day at school yesterday! Both Leilani's mom and dad came in to visit with us. Leilani showed us a really neat experiment using a 2 liter bottle and a tub of water. She showed us that when the bottle was full of air, it floated on top of the water. But, when Leilani filled the bottle with water, it sunk to the bottom of the tub of water. We learned that a submarine raises and lowers itself in a very similar way in the ocean. Cool! Then, Leilani and her dad read a brand new story to us- it was a "Happy Birthday" story written by Dr. Seuss. It got us imagining the most wonderful ways to celebrate a birthday!  We are so lucky to have such a sweet, sparkly, and hardworking girl in our class this year! Hooray, Leilani!

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