Sunday, March 17, 2013

Reading Update

Our reading this week focused on life in the desert. Our main story was called “Dig, Wait, Listen: A Desert Toad’s Tale”. Students practiced summarizing the main events of the story and identifying the author’s purpose for writing it. We discussed 3 main reasons that an author may write a text: to persuade us, inform us, or entertain us. By looking at clues from the selection, we were able to decipher that the author’s purpose was to teach us about the life cycle of a desert toad. We learned that the toad burrows its way deep underground where it can stay moist until the rain falls. When it hears the rain, it digs its way back out to lay eggs in the new puddles of rain. The eggs hatch into tadpoles the tadpoles develop into toads, and the process begins again. Our vocabulary words of the week included: lengthy, burrow, ranger’s, warning, distant, and beyond. The children were eager to identify the various examples of onomatopoeia they found throughout this story!

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