Sunday, June 13, 2010

Give the Gift of a Goat

Our school is participating in a reading incentive program this summer! After reading this book, Beatrice's Goat, we learned about an impoverished girl from Uganda and how her life was literally transformed by the gift of a goat. Heifer International is a non-profit world hunger organization that provides animals to families in need to provide them sustenance, and to give them a means of income. In this true story, Beatrice's family receives not only nourishment from the goat, but they are able to eventually build a new home with money they earn selling the goat's milk, and Beatrice is able to finally realize her dream of attending school.

The children and I talked about how fortunate we are to be in a community that is abounding with resources. We have countless gifts on a daily basis. We realized that simply attending school is a gift that not everyone in the world has access to. The children are being encouraged to set a reading goal for the summer, and collect pledges from sponsors to contribute to Heifer International. Not only will the children be strengthening the wonderful reading skills that they have, but they will also be working to *give the gift of a goat* to a family in the world who could use one.

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