Thursday, August 27, 2015

Our first day of the 2015-2016 school year!

We had a tremendous first day of school! The children came in with huge smiles on their faces and we had so much fun getting to know each other on our first day together! 

We shared a few of my favorite "back to school" stories: First Day Jitters  and What I Did Over My Summer Vacation. We unpacked our school supplies, took a class photo, and the children took turns sharing a special item that told us a little bit more about them or the their summer! We played People Bingo, too, which encouraged the children to get up, move around, and learn new facts about each other. The class was also happy to find out that our PE and Music classes started TODAY! We do have PE tomorrow afternoon as well, so don't forget those gym shoes!

In tonight's back pack mail you will find a student survey that will help me get to know your child- at the top, it asks that you return this to me by Friday (tomorrow), but please take as much time as you need to complete it! You will also find a welcome letter from me that details my contact information. Attached to my letter, there is a brochure that highlights some important information about our classroom this year in a nutshell. 

Finally, there is a letter in today's backpack mail that explains that we have a serious nut allergy in our classroom this year. Please help by making sure that your child does NOT have nuts in their morning snack - this is consumed in our classroom. There is additional information explaining this in further detail in the purple letter you will find in your child's folder.

Hooray for the 1st day of school! 
I can already tell that we have a terrific class this year!