Friday, January 23, 2015

Geologists at work...

The children had a fun and engaging week at school!

Our in-school field trip took place on Wednesday morning. A scientist from High Tech High Touch came to our classroom to enrich and enhance our learning during our unit on Rocks. First, the children reviewed the layers of the earth. Then, they searched for their very own gemstones in sand.  
After choosing their 10 favorite gemstones, the children did a variety of experiments on them. They tested to see if any of their stones was magnetic. They tested to see if any of their gemstones had limestone in them using a vinegar. They conducted a streak test on a ceramic plate to see the gem's color in powder form. Last, they conducted a hardness test to see if their gemstones were harder or softer than a penny. Using a chart with labeled stones, the children looked carefully at the properties of their new gemstones to identify them.

Noah strains a sample of sand searching for gemstones.

Kelly selects her favorite gemstones.

Jack and Kelly use vinegar to test their stones for bubbles, which indicate the presence of limestone.
As Lucy tests her gemstones for limestone, James checks the rock bulletin board in the back of the class to see if he can identify his gemstones on his own.
Angelica uses a grid of labeled rocks to help her learn the name of the ones she collected.
Rahul and Filip conduct the streak test on a ceramic plate to view what their rock would look like in powder form.

Kassie and Mia analyze their samples and place them carefully on the labeled chart.

Noah, Mark, and Ola look closely at their samples to identify a match.

Olivia places her samples directly on the rocks she has matched them to on the chart.
Adrian conducts the streak test to view the marks left behind by the gemstones.
Filip, Ben, Rahul and Angelica use vinegar to test for limestone.
Mark, Ola, Noah and Olivia conduct the hardness test. If their gemstone left a scratch on the penny, it was harder than the penny. If the penny left a scratch on the gemstone, the gemstone was harder.

Kassie and Olivia jot down some notes about their learning after the field trip.

James lists properties of his gemstones. He ran out of room with good ideas!

Another exploration the children and I did this week involved looking closely at the minerals that make up granite. In order to better see the feldspar, quartz, biotite and muscovite that compose granite, we (I) literally smashed a piece apart with a hammer! The children looked closely at the remnants to identify the minerals, and then decided which mineral they thought our sample was mainly composed of. Most children agreed that our granite had a lot of biotite (a dark, shiny mineral.)
It was Kassie's week to shine at school! She started off with her Star Student science experiment. She demonstrated for the class how powerful air pressure can be by lifting a heavy book off of the table by blowing into a bag underneath it!

Kassie read a story to the class called "Under the Sea." She elicited some help from James and Lucy who shared in the reading! The children enjoyed listening to the group effort!
We were so happy to welcome Kassie's mom to the classroom to spend some time with us on Friday afternoon. She was able to hear all of the wonderful reasons the children and I think Kassie is a super star! She is funny, full of energy, sparkly, great at math and reading, an awesome helper, and a terrific friend. We are so lucky that Kassie is in our class this year!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

What a week!

The students in 2-2 worked so hard this week! Read on to learn more about all that we were able to accomplish!

Martin Luther King

The students finished researching the life of Martin Luther King Jr. for the biographies we were working on. They recorded events from his childhood and his adulthood, and they also noted his life achievements (winning the Nobel Peace Prize!) as well as powerful quotes to remember. The children worked to then organize their facts into paragraphs. They did a terrific job! They learned to indent new paragraphs, as well as to begin with a catchy opening and a strong closing sentence. Their handwritten work turned out really nice and can be found hanging in the hallway outside our classroom.

New Year Resolutions

The children and I watched a cute "Kid President" clip on You Tube. In it, Kid President challenges his viewers to be the best they can be in 2015 and gives some ideas of how to do that. The children came up with a class list of ways they felt they could improve themselves. These ideas included eating healthier foods, being kind to the elderly, being more appreciative of the things our parents do for us, showing kindness towards brothers and sisters, and finding a skill that we want to spend more time practicing.


The children continue to meet with their guided reading groups. We also shared a whole group text called "Goose's Story." In this story, a poor goose finds itself injured and loses its foot. It needs to learn how to adapt and become independent despite its injury.  The other geese judge this poor goose based on its appearance, and stay away from it because it is different.  The skill we reviewed this week was cause and effect. The children did a nice job identifying how one event from the story led to others.

Text Talk

We continued our practice with the words from Grandpa's Teeth.  The word winner of the week was.... sleuth!

We practiced subtraction with re-grouping this week! The children learned a little rhyme to help them remember the process:  "More on top, DON'T STOP.  More on the floor?  GO NEXT DOOR AND GET 10 MORE." As we strengthened the skill of re-grouping, we also started drilling our basic subtraction facts, in order to begin to memorize them.

Also during math, the children were practicing making equal groups of items. We are beginning to lay the foundation for learning multiplication and division!


The children are loving our rock unit so far!  We have begun identifying properties that are associated with rocks, so that our descriptions can be as accurate as possible. We learned about the 3 main types of rocks:  Igneous (rocks that form when melted rock cools and hardens above and below ground, Sedimentary (rocks that form when layers of sediment are pressed and cemented over time) and metamorphic (rocks that form when other rocks are heated and squeezed together inside the earth.  The children are really looking forward to their in-school field trip next week! Thank you so much for helping us provide an engaging, hands-on experience like this one for the kids!


Our cursive lessons are approaching! I am really encouraging the children to focus on their printed handwriting as we look ahead to begin the transition to learning cursive!  The quality of the children's written work has improved so much in such a short time. It's really great to see!

Star Student

Our star student this week was Carson. Carson did an experiment that involved a color wheel that blended several colors together. We were happy to welcome Carson's dad to our classroom on Friday afternoon to assist Carson with his star student responsibilities.

No School

Remember, there is no school for the children on both Monday and Tuesday next week! On Monday we honor the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., and on Tuesday the teachers will be hard at work at a school improvement day. Enjoy the extra long weekend!