Friday, September 26, 2014

Tracking our learning in 2nd Grade!

From the desk of Mrs. Schmidt...

We are "fall"-ing into some new topics this week!  What a great way to start fall with this beautiful weather we are having!

We are jumping into Unit 2 in Math in which we solved addition number stories.  We talked about the different kinds of addition stories we can encounter, such as parts-and-total in which two or more separate parts are known and the total needs to be found.  We also looked at change-to-more problems.  In these problems, we start with a number of things, then increase that number and find out how many things there are now.  We are using number models to solve these problems and we talked about the importance of including the label unit (books, feet, cm, children, etc.) with the sum for number stories.  The students enjoyed playing "Beat the Calculator," as they were motivated to show that their brain could be faster than a calculator for solving math facts!

This week we read a photo essay entitled "Meet Rosina."  Rosina attends a school for the deaf.  We learned that even though she communicates in a different way than us we have a lot in common! We enjoyed learning about American Sign Language and trying it out ourselves.  In reading this essay, we discussed main ideas and details so that we can summarize what we are reading.  We also talked about these skills in our guided reading groups this week.  Each of our leveled reading books explored how people with special needs are helped through the use of guide dogs and innovations in technology.  We had some very interesting discussions about these topics!

 The students enjoyed experimenting with sign language after reading "Meet Rosina" this week!

In writing, we finished our Autobiographies.  We can't wait to share them with our friends!  We took a writing sample in our writing yearbook this week.  We will write a sample each month and then keep track of our writing fluency by looking at the number of words written for the topic.  For each sample, we have three minutes to plan and draw to brainstorm ideas and then seven minutes to write about the topic.  I met with each of the students to conference about how they felt they did on the sample.  We filled out a writing rubric together in which they looked at the number of words written, their focus, detail, mechanics, spelling and overall work quality.  I was impressed how reflective they were about their writing.

We are having a blast with the "Motion" unit.  I mean this literally this week, as we designed and implemented experiments that "blasted" different-sized marbles and marbles of varying weights down a ramp on a track.  We experimented to find out which marbles would go the farthest on the track. We discovered that the way to make the collision force small was to use a shallow ramp angle or roll a lightweight marble down the ramp.  To make the collision force big, we used a large ramp angle, rolled heavy marbles down the ramp, or rolled more than one marble down the ramp. Ultimately, we concluded that the greater the force, the greater the change in motion.  Also, the more massive an object is, the less effect a given force will have.  We came up with some creative ideas and were very excited as we made new discoveries!

Reminder:  Picture Day is Thursday, October 2nd.  Please send in your child's picture envelope if you are planning on ordering pictures.  Thanks!

 The children worked together to develop an understanding about motion and force using marbles of varying size and weight. They also manipulated the incline of the ramp to increase and decrease the amount of force in each trial.

 The children continue to keep track of and note their learning in their science notebooks!

Friday, September 19, 2014

"Moving" along in 2-2!

From the desk of Mrs. Schmidt:

We had a great week!  I was impressed with how the children handled their first experience with MAP Testing.  They took their time and tried their best!  The results will be sent home to you.

In Math, we took the Unit 1 Assessment.  Now we will start Unit 2, “Addition and Subtraction Facts.”  This unit will include solving addition number stories that require the children to find parts and totals and change to more to solve the problems.  A review of +0, +1, and +9 shortcuts, doubles facts, and turn around facts will be emphasized.  For subtraction, we’ll explore the -0 and -1 shortcuts and counting strategies.  Fact families will be discussed to show the relationship between addition and subtraction.  We will continue to take timed tests with our addition facts at school, so any additional practice at home would be very beneficial.

We read a nonfiction article called “Fighting the Fire” this week.  The skill of identifying the main idea and supporting details was our focus for this article.  We took our main details/details web that we had completed and used the information on it to create a summary of the selection.  This skill will help us to see the author’s purpose and message as well as pay attention to the important parts of what we are reading.  The children made text-to-world connections as they learned about the responsibilities of firefighters.

I have finished benchmark assessments so our guided reading groups will begin next week.  Thank you for working so hard on the Reading and Fluency Logs at home.  Your support of your child’s reading progress in very much appreciated!

The children have been having a lot of fun in our Motion unit!  Through our explorations, we’ve discovered how objects move, considering the direction (where it moved), the speed (how fast or slow it moved), and distance (how far it moved).  We conducted speed trials of different motions and used forces (pushes and pulls) to start toy cars moving and made them change direction. 

        Here the children are working with a partner to complete main idea/details webs on the "Fighting the Fire" article that we read as a class.
  Math is fun! The children are playing a domino sort game to reinforce finding sums with their addition math facts.  

         Our science program is full of hands-on, authentic learning experiences. The children headed outside to conducting speed trials to learn that the kind of movement affects speed.

More science exploration! The children were given a variety of materials including straws, rulers, and string, and worked to discover a number of ways to get their toy cars to move.
                                                         Those wheels were turning! :)

One more science investigation this week allowed the children to experiment with pushing and pulling the toy cars using increasing levels of force. They were able to see that greater force caused greater motion!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Our Week in Review

From the desk of Mrs. Schmidt...

We had a fun and productive third week!  Our routines are becoming more established and there is a lot of learning going on in 2-2!

This week we brought our Landform unit to a close in Social Studies.  To introduce our Motion unit in Science, we became detectives in search of examples of motion on the playground.  The students used their keen observation skills to notice things in motion.  Our discussions involved looking carefully at how an object moves in terms of speed and direction.  Our observations were recorded in our Motion journals.  This was a great start to our Motion unit!

In Math, we are exploring counting patterns on a number grid, equivalent names for numbers, and counting money.  The students challenged themselves to solve number grid puzzles and even made up some of their own!  We will continue to find new ways to name numbers.  

We read an amusing story, "Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour Tea."  Be sure to ask your child who Tabby was in the story!  An emphasis was made on understanding story structure of the beginning, middle and end of a story.  This will be an important skill all year to help us understand how a story is organized.  Story maps will be used in our own writing as well to help us generate ideas and make sure that our stories make sense.

Speaking of writing, we started our own autobiography.  In these, we will share own our life stories from birth until now.  We are all looking forward to hearing about what has shaped our lives so far and makes us so SPECIAL!  

Upcoming Events
1) Library on Monday-please be sure that your child has their books if they want to check out new ones.
2) MAP Testing:  Reading on Wednesday, 9/17, in the morning
                        Math on Thursday, 9/18, in the afternoon
3) Please make sure that your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a healthy breakfast!  Thanks!

 The students are hard at work practicing their math facts on the computer!
They are using a website called 
Please encourage your child to log in and practice at home, too!
The site will track your child's progress and move them along to practicing their subtraction 
and even multiplication facts when they show they are developmentally ready!

The class headed outdoors for some authentic learning during science! 
They kept their eyes and ears peeled for examples of motion and recorded 
them in their science journals.

 One of our Daily 5 centers is "Read with a Buddy." Here the children are practicing reading elbow to elbow, knee to knee- close enough so they can both easily share and process the text together. They are practicing their reading skills re-reading the whole group story of the week about Mr. Putter and his friendly old cat named Tabby. The children are building their sight word vocabularies, strengthening their reading fluency, and learning how to support a friend while reading!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Wrapping up our 2nd week of school!

From the desk of Mrs. Schmidt:

We are settling in nicely to our class!  We have such enthusiastic and caring learners in 2-2!  We're off to a great start!

This week we dove into our topics.  In math, we are working on addition facts.  We have already taken some math fact tests.  Please be sure to work on math facts at home too. is a great resource for this!  We are also looking at time and money.

In reading, we read a story called "David's New Friends,"  in which we talked about the importance of understanding the characters and setting.  The main character David made a surprising new friend!

We are learning how to read and make maps in social studies to help us better understand landforms.  There will be an assessment next week for this unit.  The children do not need to study for it, as we will review the concepts in class.  Our next unit will be "Motion" in science.

Please remember that the Reading Log and Daily Fluency Log are due on Monday!  

Thank you for attending the Curriculum Night presentation.  I enjoyed seeing you and sharing the important information and procedures in 2-2!

Special Event this week:  Music for Youth Assembly on Tuesday

 The children have their own "book boxes" in the classroom! They are learning the responsibility of choosing the books that are just right for them and their reading ability.
It is important for the children to begin building their reading stamina, and this takes practice! They will work to increase their stamina each day.
 This is a picture of the children practicing the Daily 5 station called "Read to Self." The children are responsible for choosing a book that matches both their interest and ability, and they are to read their self selected book in one comfortable spot without interruptions!
 The children are encouraged to choose a balanced combination of both fiction and nonfiction books.

During math the children practiced their skills by playing the "Money Exchange Game!"

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Our New Group of 2nd Graders!

From the desk of Mrs. Schmidt:

Hello 2nd Grade friends!  I am so excited to be your teacher for the first part of the year! We had a fantastic first week!

The children did a wonderful job of working on our classroom routines and procedures. Thank you for sharing your items about yourself.   We all enjoyed learning more about each other!  We read a book called Manners Are Fun and talked about the importance of being kind and polite to one another. Creating iPads of our own, we chose our favorite apps that reveal some of our interests.  Look for these in the hall at Curriculum Night.  At Dryden's first all-school assembly, we reviewed the Dryden Do's to help make the school a fun and safe place to learn!  We are also motivated to build our "stamina" as we work on our independent reading.

We look forward to delving further into our 2nd Grade topics this week!

Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 3rd, from 6:00-6:40 pm.   Hope to see you!

PE is on Tuesdays & Fridays. Please be sure that your child is wearing gym shoes these days.