Thursday, August 30, 2012

2nd Grade is Cool! by: Ella

In 2nd grade we have starting learning math! Today we counted money. We played The Money Exchange Game! We rolled the dice and we raced to see who could collect $100 dollars first. Congratulations to Shelby, Adam, Anya, and Eunice for rolling to 100 today! Joe and Mick tied for first place. Great job, everybody! We've also been learning about the different landforms. Adam says that an island is surrounded by water! Ben remembers that the mountain is the HIGHEST kind of land. Luca says that peninsulas are surrounded by water on 3 sides. (Just like the state of Florida!) Maggie remembered that a great way to remember the 5 Great Lakes is to remember the word HOMES! (They are: Lake Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior!) It's time for us to get ready for home now! Thanks for reading the blog! :) Ella

Monday, August 27, 2012

A fun day at school By: Ella

Today at school we practiced using the white boards during math. We took a little math test to see how well we knew our addition and subtraction facts. We had PE and Music this morning. In Social Studies we are learning about geography and all of the different landforms. We read a little story about a boy and his dog Tulip as they drove across the country! Thanks for reading my blog! :) Ella

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Our First Day of 2nd Grade!

Here is a picture of our first day of 2nd Grade! The children and I have been very busy today! We put away our school supplies, played the "Name Game," shared a story called "How I Spent my Summer Vacation," and shared some tidbits about ourselves and our summers! And that was just this morning! We are off to a TERRIFIC start!