Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday's Wisdom from Owen!

Today we had art class with Mrs. Fuglestad. We increased our reading stamina to 9 minutes without stopping! We practiced telling time in math.

Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday's Tidbit from Owen!

Today we did math and we counted coins. We wrote an autobiography about our lives. We heard a story in the LMC. We learned about the world with a story about a boy who traveled across the United States!

See you tomorrow!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday's Message from Owen!

Today we finished our iPads and we got new jobs. I am the blogger for the week. I will tell what we did each day. We played at the park during PE. We did math today too! We shopped for books to keep in our book bags. See you tomorrow!

By: owen w

Saturday, August 27, 2011

We reached the end of Week 1!


We had a short but sweet week in 2nd grade! The children and I have begun learning some of the routines that will make our days at school smooth and simple. We've read several of my very favorite back to school stories, including "First Day Jitters," "Splat the Cat," and an all time favorite, "Nobody's Mother is in Second Grade." We also read a great book to remind us of good behavior called "Manners can be Fun." (Thank you, Mrs. Carroll!) After sharing a few of these stories, the children and I practiced completing the reading log that they will soon have for homework. We payed careful attention to our handwriting, neatness, and making sure to include good details. The class has also begun learning different ways to practice spelling words throughout the week. We reviewed ABC order and visited We even practiced moving our desks into a couple of different "set-ups"- small group, partners, and individuals- so the transition will be a breeze when its time to match our desks to the activity at hand! The children heard about our classroom incentives, have practiced moving respectfully through the hallway, and we realized that there are some consequences to silly behavior, too! We are also working our way through a building-wide safety checklist, which allows us to practice/discuss various drills and circumstances that may occur throughout the year before the building drills begin. The children have been really good listeners during these small-scale practices.

Thank you for helping your child choose something to share with us at school about themselves in their little brown bags. They've enjoyed having a chance to shine in the spotlight, and it is such fun learning an interesting fact or two about each person! (Did you know... we have several experienced fishermen in our class? Owen and Alex to name a few! Or that Amaya likes potato sack races? or that Charlie went on a "mancation?" Or that Lily zipped down a really cool waterslide (even though she was too small?!:) It was so much fun hearing what all of the children had to share!

As Will mentioned, the children created their very own iPads on Friday! They thought about their favorite "apps," and illustrated them on their iPad. Its very interesting how a collection of apps can illustrate a person's interests and personality! These will be on display for you next week at Curriculum Night. You might have noticed that Will updated our blog a couple of times this week. It is a brand new (weekly) classroom job. It will be fun to see how the children summarize our school day in a sentence or two! Keep an eye out for more student posts next week!

It seems that any first day jitters we may have felt have quickly disappeared. I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend, and I'm looking forward to another great week next week!
Thanks for checking in!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday's Feature

This was a great first week of school. Today we made our own ipads that described us. We did math facts we had a fire drill practice. We learned how to do our homework. I can't wait to come back to school next week! There will be a new blogger next week. I wonder who it will be? Have a good weekend.
by: Will

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Today's Tidbit

We played People Bingo. We learned about each other! We practiced a tornado drill.We had gym and music.

by: Will

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We are off to a great start!

What a fantastic first day of school! The children and I accomplished so much in our short time together! We played a little game that helped us learn each other's names, read a funny story about an imaginative summer vacation, took a tour of the building (including a viewing of our new Art Wall!), and learned something new about several of our classmates -based on the artifact they brought in their little brown bag! I can already see that this is a sweet group of students who are ready to learn!

Items to note:
* Your child brought home a "homework assignment" for you today! Please fill out the family inventory and send it back by Friday, if possible. This will help me to get to know you better!

* Lunches begin tomorrow. Look over the new district lunch menu with your child ahead of time so they know what they'd like to choose (there are some new options- Red, White, and Blue. There is a link to the District Menu in the side bar :)

* Your child may bring a healthy snack tomorrow. Please refer to the "Quick Reference Guide" for possible suggestions! We DO have a peanut/nut allergy in our class, so please please please do not send nuts -or any items that contain nuts- to our classroom. I really appreciate your assistance to keep our students healthy and safe in the classroom!

* THANK YOU for sending in those school supplies so quickly- and so thoroughly! Several students have purchased new calculators this school year, and already received them through the school office. Those are now in their desks. If you haven't purchased a new calculator, please send the calculator your child used last year in 1st grade (its perfect, we use the same one). Calculators do pop up from time to time during lessons throughout the year.

Thank you for such a smooth start, and the makings of a great year!